Our athletes, performing artists, corporate high performers have accomplished amazing results by training their mental toughness. Here’s what they have to say about our Mental Toughness Coaching Programs and Services.
Our Mental Toughness Training programs and services are guaranteed to give you breakthrough results like these…

Allyssah Fitterer
"Before I started working with Kara, I was in my head a lot. I couldn’t get past the fact that I didn’t think I was good enough. Working with Kara, I got tools to see when I’m in my head again and now I can see how good I actually am. I can look at the fact that I’m going to Michigan State and say that I did that!"
– Allyssah Fitterer, NCAA Division 1 Volleyball Player, Michigan State
– Allyssah Fitterer, NCAA Division 1 Volleyball Player, Michigan State

Cathy Radvanyi
“Thanks for all your support with Maddie, she was very focused today, stuck with the plan and had a great result winning silver at the Canada Games. Only the second medal for NS at the games, so big news. We appreciate your support, Mads is becoming an amazing young woman, focused and very determined and not afraid of hard work.”
– Cathy Radvanyi, mom of Maddie, Junior National Snowboarder, 2015 Canada Games Silver Medalist
– Cathy Radvanyi, mom of Maddie, Junior National Snowboarder, 2015 Canada Games Silver Medalist

Matt Crull
“I started working with Mental Toughness Inc. because I was having trouble overcoming a slump in my swimming. Kara taught me everything I know right now about the mental side of sport. Every aspect of my training and racing has been completely made over into an athlete I feel I could never be without her help. Overall this is the best thing I could have ever done for my swimming.”
- Matt, Elite Competitive Swimmer, McGill University
- Matt, Elite Competitive Swimmer, McGill University

Olivia McAlpine
"I was super nervous night before my big university audition and after only one coaching session, I feel as if I rocked it. I was in a room with about 25 other students, I went about 10th, and they actually let me say my entire monologue, so I think I stood out. Thank you for your help!"
-- Olivia McAlpine, Performing Artist, Stage Actor and Singer
-- Olivia McAlpine, Performing Artist, Stage Actor and Singer

Gilda Duhs
"Yesterday and today I spoke with Chelsea and she sounded so great! Wow, what a change. I am smiling and so relieved. I know this is a process and you are reminding her of tools she uses to deal with the stresses of life. She hasn’t shared much but I know you must be doing that. You are awesome. I am thankful for you and what you are doing to help Chelsea."
– Gilda Duhs, Mom of Chelsea, NCAA Division 1 Volleyball Player
– Gilda Duhs, Mom of Chelsea, NCAA Division 1 Volleyball Player

Andres Rivendeneira
"Before I attended the Mental Toughness Inc. workshop I had extremely inconsistent training sessions and very low self-confidence. After the workshop, I set my mind into implementing the techniques I learned in order to improve my training and now I have won the first two competitions of the season after finishing in 17th place last year. This workshop truly made all the difference in my performance!"
--Andres Rivendeneira, Elite National Tumbler
--Andres Rivendeneira, Elite National Tumbler

Cheryl Bucknor
"Thank you for the Mental Toughness Workshop that you conducted for our soccer team. As parents, we saw their mental toughness in action as the girls went on to win their next tournament and, even more impressive, pull themselves back from a 2 goal deficit to win the League Cup that season."
-- Cheryl Bucknor, Mom of Tiana, top soccer prospect, Burlington FC
-- Cheryl Bucknor, Mom of Tiana, top soccer prospect, Burlington FC

Katie Sampson
"Mental Toughness Inc. helped me overcome my mental blocks on certain skills on floor and beam. I used to be very self-critical and would get into a spiral of negative thoughts which would affect my performance. With her help, I went from only competing on one event in NCAA college gymnastics to being an all-arounder. I came 1st in the all-around at an invitational competition and helped my team win the meet with our season best high score."
-- Katie Sampson, NCAA Gymnast, All-arounder
-- Katie Sampson, NCAA Gymnast, All-arounder

Dale Melnick
"Kara understands what our team is going through, the pressures they feel to be a high performance athlete, the pressure to succeed all while maintaining balance of life and academics. Kara is more than a coach to these girls, but a trusted friend as well. I want to be selfish and keep her all to ourselves however knowing the work she can do with so many high performance athletes will give all programs the ability to succeed and win. Kara, I cannot thank you enough!"
– Dale Melnick, Head Coach, Brock Women's Volleyball Team
– Dale Melnick, Head Coach, Brock Women's Volleyball Team

Evette Wade
"I am the biggest supporter of the Performance and Wellness Seminars. Not only are they educational and applicable, but Kara’s personal journey towards the 2012 Olympics also inspired me to go after my dreams. Kara taught me how to take control of health by implementing her nutrition guidelines and by empowering me to make physical fitness part of my life."
– Evette Wade, IT Professional, Attended CIBC Performance and Wellness Seminar
– Evette Wade, IT Professional, Attended CIBC Performance and Wellness Seminar

"I was terrified, and was almost to the point where I wanted to quit climbing, but I knew I really didn’t – I just thought there was no other way to move past the mental block. Then I started working with Mental Toughness Inc. and a week later I won a competition, and then I won provincials."
-- Justine, Elite Competitive Rock Climber
-- Justine, Elite Competitive Rock Climber